The righteous rabble at FOF are preaching to us from the Twilight Zone again, on how the hate crimes laws that already cover them should not be applied to gay people because ... well because fundamentalists wouldn't be as comfortable condemning gays. (oops, wait, that's the truth.. can't say it that way). Fundamentalists would get arrested and charged with... uh, what. Thought Crimes! Yeah! I saw that once in a movie with Tom Cruise!
I'll link you to it, but fair warning: You may become cross-eyed and light headed from all the heady logic in this 'piece':
There's really nothing new here. This is for the consumption of the 'base'. They need to keep scaring them with the same stuff over and over in order to keep them thoughtfully compliant with FOF's world view. Talk about thought crimes!
There you have it folks: Focus on the Family, with today's tasty morsel in The Garbage Shovel.
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